East Africa

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Because you loved me..."

Yup, even here, half way around the world, Owen and I get to hear our favourite Quebecoise... One just can't get away from Celine's reach. Globalisation, indeed.

We've "survived" another two days in Zanzibar. Lounging on the beach, trying to figure out at what beach-side restaurant we'll eat at next: it's a hard life, but someone's got to do it. The sun is ridiculously hot. Yes, boo hoo. Today we were awakened by a muezzin - calling the muslims to prayer - at 5am. He was quite musical, unlike the crows living outside out window feeding off mounds of garbage. Today we spent the day on the water. Took a snorkelling trip to Mnemba Island - which, on the map, looked quite close to our beach. The Indian Ocean was very choppy, but we made it to our snorkelling grounds. These must have been stunning 10 years ago. Some cute fish, but the coral is mostly dead or dying. We spent four hours travelling (to and from) for about 37 minutes of snorkelling. Money well spent because the area is so beautiful. Sadly, the waters were too rough to land close to shore and enjoy the most beautiful beaches I've seen.

We'll stay here for another two nights, then head to Dar es Salaam on Tuesday.

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