East Africa

Friday, February 18, 2011

In Nungwi, Zanzibar

So our first three days in Amsterdam did not get us ready for Africa! Who knew? :)

We've been in Zanzibar for three days and are undergoing a certain amount of culture shock and heat exhaustion. Stone Town is a very interesting place. It is filled with Muslims, Hindus, Africans and whiteys, who stick out like sore thumbs. We are two of those thumbs. Narrow, twisty streets without signage or street names. Slightly dilapidated buildings. Some nice spots in the part that is being "reconstructed" for tourists. Crazy markets and busy streets. Easy to get nailed by any number of vehicles and animals. Trying to be discreet without photos, but I feel like I'm missing the most interesting aspects. The food was ok (Owen likes it) and I fear it's the best I'll see in the next 2 months. Julie, you were right: it doesn't make sense...

We just this afternoon made it to Nungwi, the very northern tip of Znz island. The beaches seem inviting, but we are staying in a shit-hole that doesn't have a view. It is a few steps from the beach, however. It is a cinder-block room, more fitting of an inmate than two DINKS from Canada. Was a roll of toilet paper and maybe one towel too much to ask? That being said, we are enjoying the area. Dinner on the beach!

Hope you are all well. Miss you too...


  1. Marsh says he's surprised you didn't bring your own roll of TP. lol. Take care.....Diane

  2. Keep this blogging going! I am so proud of you.
    I am nursing a sore mouth from some extractions so am wishing for your life!
